Paper Submission


Submission of papers and/or creation of accounts is done through EasyChair Conference System.

The link for abstract/paper submission is the following:

Prospective authors are invited to electronically submit full regular papers of their work. English is the working language of the Conference. Papers are limited to six (6) pages. Up to two (2) additional pages can be accepted, but additional page fees must be paid with registration.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Authors must adhere to the IEEE Conference written paper format. The author must submit the draft version of the paper for review before the due submission deadline. IEEE is very strict about the requirements for PDF files for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library. We strongly recommend to use the set of templates in MS Word and LaTeX format provided by IEEE. Please use them to create your paper, but don’t modify the style nor the format under any circumstances:

However, due to unavoidable differences between computer programs, authors may detect very slight differences between these templates. Papers following any of these templates, and conforming to IEEE PDF requirements, will be acceptable.

Submit only original work, not previously published or copyrighted. Prospective authors are expected to submit only their own original works. The Conference will be using the CrossCheck automated screening system to help verify the originality of papers. Submitted works may be compared to over 20 million articles in databases worldwide. Papers that violate IEEE’s publication principles may be summarily rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, then disciplinary actions may also be taken by IEEE.


Please prepare the final version of your paper by taking into due consideration the comments and suggestions of the reviewers. Your final version might have to be checked to ensure that the critical comments were addressed and that the recommended changes were made. In addition, please note that the final version should fundamentally correspond in length and contents to the submitted version, except for parts that might be added or modified to comply with the reviewers’ suggestions. Please do not alter the final version in ways that make it weaker than that accepted by the YEF-ECE program committee.

Please leave the header and footer of every page blank (without XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE).

IEEE takes plagiarism very seriously. Please clearly indicate reused material by using quotation marks or indentations, providing a full reference to the original material. Obtain written permission from the publisher or, if the reused material has not been published, obtain written permission from the original author.

For the paper’s inclusion in the conference program, YEF-ECE policy requires that at least one of the authors of your paper must have paid the registration fee.

Note that for the manuscript to be included in the program and in the proceedings of the conference to be sent to IEEE Xplore, you must fulfill the following four conditions:
1. Upload the final version (IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF format) before the deadline of June 16, 2023. Log into the manuscript submission website ( and upload the final version.
2. Transfer of copyright to IEEE. Soon you will receive an email with instructions on how to fulfill the electronic copyright form. This is mandatory to have the paper accepted in IEEE Xplore.
3. Registration of one of the authors. This needs to be done *BEFORE* June 16, 2023.
4. Present the paper at the conference, in the scheduled session.

Technical papers accepted for the Conference after the peer review process may be published in the final technical program, and may be indexed in IEEE Xplore and EI Compendex, subject to final approval by the Conference Technical Committee. Authors wishing to publish a technical paper must agree to items below:

A. The first author should be a young engineer or a graduating MSc student

B. Adhere to the Conference written paper format

English is the working language of the Conference. Papers are limited to six (Letter) sized pages. Up to 2 additional pages can be accepted.

Templates for written papers are available in:

Due to unavoidable differences between computer programs, authors may detect very slight differences between these templates. Papers following any of these templates, and conforming to IEEE PDF requirements, will be acceptable.

Papers must be converted to IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF format. Information about proper PDF format is detailed in this document. Authors are encouraged to use the free IEEE PDF eXpress system to convert their files. Use the code ID: 58420X when accessing the IEEE PDF eXpress system.

C. Sign and submit copyright to IEEE


Instructions on how to use IEEE PDF eXpress

YEF-ECE is registered for use of IEEE PDF eXpress which checks to make sure that all conference articles meet IEEE Xplore PDF compatibility.

IEEE PDF eXpress website:

Conference ID: 58420X; see below about creating a password.

First-time users:
1. Click: “New Users – Click Here”.
2. Enter 58420X for the Conference ID, your email address, and choose a new password. Continue to enter information as prompted.
3. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup.

Previous users, but using it for the first time for a new conference:
1. Enter 58420X for the Conference ID, your email address, and enter the password you used for your old account.
2. When you click “Login”, you’ll receive an error saying you need to set up an account. Simply click “Continue”. By entering your previously used email address and password combination, you will enable your old account for access to this new conference.
3. Check that the contact information is still valid, and click “Submit”.
4. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup.

Returning users:
1. Enter 58420X for the Conference ID, email address and password.

Steps for Uploading and Checking PDF Files:

1. Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site.
2. For each conference paper, click “Create New Title”.
3. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required).
4. Click “Submit PDF for Checking” or “Submit Source Files for Conversion”.
5. Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file, and click “Upload File”. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.
6. You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.